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This Week at EBC

Pastor Brett

Tuesday, May 8

10:00 am - NEW MEMBERS' GROUP - A time of learning about what we believe and why. Group members are either preparing for membership or are eager to learn more.

Wednesday, May 9

9:00 am - NEHEMIAH PRAYER GROUP meets to employ prayer as a means of spiritual maturity and support of our church's ministry.

10:00 am - MORNING BIBLE STUDY GROUP. We are currently engaged in a study of spiritually maturing conversation called "Communication the Honors God."

Noon - Our CONSTITUTION REVIEW MINISTRY TEAM is meeting. Please pray God will supply the team with wisdom as we look at how we have organized ourselves.

5:30 pm - EVENING BIBLE STUDY GROUP is also studying "Communication that Honors God."

Thursday, May 10

6:00 pm - WOMEN OF FAITH BIBLE STUDY gives the ladies of our church an excellent opportunity to encourage one another with prayer, conversation, and study of God's word.

8:00 pm - We are sponsoring the CHAPEL SERVICE at the UNION GOSPEL MISSION in downtown Sioux Falls. Come join in worship and see their beautiful new facility.

Saturday, May 12

7:30 am - Our IRONMEN GROUP holds their monthly meeting for breakfast, fellowship, and service.

Sunday, May 13

9:15 am - PRAYER MEETING - We gather briefly prior to worship to put all we do on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ.

9:30 am - WORSHIP at Emmanuel is of a traditional, informal, friendly, and Bible-based style. Everything we do we pray honors God and directs our attention to Him.

10:30ish - FELLOWSHIP comes after worship and is an opportunity to make new friends in faith and enjoy one another in Christ. Did I mention treats are served?

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