PLEASE NOTE: The following minutes have NOT been approved and are NOT the official record of business. They are presented here for informational purposes only. If you have a question or comment, please address them to our office.
Emmanuel Baptist Church Quarterly Business Meeting June 19th, 2018
Clayton Olson comes by transfer of letter from First Baptist Church Sioux Falls and asks to join the church. Joan Cleveland moved that we accept Clayton into the membership. Rich Rose seconded. Motion carried. <I doubt that Joan said those exact words and she would be one to remember exactly what she said, so let’s err on the side of less information. As I recall, no mention was made of the means by which Clayton was joining.>
Larry Lang comes with personal testimony and history of service and asks for licensure from Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Vice- Moderator Carole Mathieu opened the meeting at 6:50 with devotions from “Daily Bread” titled Oblivious then followed with prayer. There was a quorum of 25 people present. The vice-moderator led the group in reciting the church covenant.
The March 20th Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes were presented. Rich Rose moved to approve and Clayton Olson seconded. Motion carried.
The May 20th Special Meeting Minutes were presented. Shelly Stutson moved to approve and Sharon Lindstrom seconded. Motion carried.
The church’s Discover credit card account has been discontinued. A small group consisting of Al Parliament, Skip Sherman, Sharon Lindstrom, Pastor Brett and secretary Stephanie Heiden have new credit cards established with our bank.
At our March Quarterly Business Meeting we initiated a discussion about our Sunday morning schedule. After some discussion about Sunday time schedule, Fellowship and Sunday School, it was decided the advisory board needed to gather more information and share with the congregation.
AED purchase:
Betty Coffey moved the purchase of the AED and cabinet be voted on separate from the proposed means to pay for it. Joan Cleveland seconded. One nay was voiced, the rest carried. Joan Cleveland made a motion to buy the AED and its cabinet and Shelly Stutson seconded. Motion carried.
Clinton Olson brought discussion and made a motion to table. Becky Thorstenson seconded. Motion failed.
Shelley Stutson made a motion to send it back to the committee to propose how to pay for it, Becky Thorstenson seconded. Motion carried.
Mavis Hawkins gave personal testimony and a history of service especially through Gideon’s and asked for licensure through Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Mavis Hawkins and Larry Lang were extended licensure for Gospel ministry. Mavis will exercise her ministry primarily for Gideon Ministry. Becky Thorstenson made the motion and Rich Rose seconded. Motion carried.
Larry Lang will exercise his ministry through his work place connections. Paul Cleveland made the motion and Sandy Sherman seconded. Motion carried.
Financial Secretary’s Report: Sharon Lindstrom moved to accept the report and Brett Best seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Sandy Sherman moved that the report be accepted Rich Rose seconded. Motion carried.
Memorial Fund Recorder’s Report: Al Parliament made the motion to accept and Betty Coffey seconded. Motion carried.
Music: None
PRAYER MINISTRIES, MISSIONS AND EVANGELISM: Carole Mathieu reports Mission and Outreach are meeting.
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION AND YOUTH: Kary Best reports: The bake sale raised $438.67.
Sharon Hoover moved that all of the Deacons’ reports be accepted, Betty Coffey seconded. Motion carried.
OUTDOOR PROPERTIES: Al Parliament reports the trees on the North side were trimmed. The work day was a success. The garage and upstairs closet were cleaned out
INDOOR PROPERTIES: Skip Sherman thanked everyone for the good work day.
Betty Coffey moved all of the Trustees’ reports be accepted, Sandy Sherman seconded. Motion carried.
Decoration: None.
Outreach and Evangelism: None
Personnel: None
Bus Ministry: None
Worship Technology: None
Outdoor Sign: Al Parliament shared some information and passed out a possible rendering of the sign. The city of Sioux Falls has ruled that our proposed sign is in violation of ordinance: it is too large. The Ministry Team and the sign company are negotiating a solution.
Constitution review: Vice-Chair Sandy Sherman.
The team requests a straw poll be conducted to assess the membership’s preference for Annual and Regular Business Meetings: do you prefer to hold theses meetings Sundays after worship or do you prefer a week night? Do you want to continue to hold them with a meal?
A progress report was handed out for information only. No discussion or motions took place at the meeting. Any questions or concerns need to be brought to a team member.
Pastor’ Report:
Pastor Brett reports the Biennial will be in Vermillion Sept. 21 and 22nd.
Pastor plans to attend the Fall Seminar with SFS professors on Baptist history.
Reach out to Brandon households: Bible study?
Share youth ministry with Oakwood Park Christian Church.
Singspiration with Oakwood Park Christian June 29th at 6:00. Spiritual Gifts group started.
Start a Parents of Adult children who have not yet “launched” support group.
Betty Coffey called for adjournment and Rich Rose seconded. Motion carried. Finished with the Lord’s Prayer.
Val Thompson, Clerk