We are taking an informal (non-binding) poll of our members and friends to see what preferences are out their regarding Sunday morning schedules and meeting times. Take a look at the form below and reply to our office by email or by calling 336-6780.
1. Would you prefer worship to be held at a different time? (Choose one of the options below.)
a. Yes. (Name a new start time: ____________.)
b. No - keep the current time.
2. Would you like to keep our Fellowship the same?
(Choose one of the options below.)
a. Yes - keep the current format.
b. No - drop it entirely.
c. No - hold it once monthly for Special Days.
d. No - have a “coffee bar” instead.
3. Would you like to add Sunday School to the schedule? (Choose one of the options below.)
a. No.
b. Yes - replace Fellowship with Sunday School.
c. Yes - schedule Sunday School with Fellowship.
If “Yes,” what time do you want it to start? _________)
1. On what day do you prefer to hold regular & special business meetings? (Choose one of the options below.)
a. Sundays after services.
b. Any day but Sunday.
2. Do you prefer to have a meal with a meeting? (Choose one of the options below.)
a. Yes - have a meal with the meeting.
b. No - have no food with a meeting.