F.Y.I. = For Your Information
Summary of Last Week’s Meetings
Staff Review
Staff members met with our Advisory Board to discuss achievements, challenges, and adjusted job descriptions as necessary. The face-to-face process was very pleasant and productive.
Remember, we have Comment Cards on every bulletin board and these are to be utilized to communicate with our Advisory Board members. The Comment Cards can be used to deliver compliments as well as raise concerns.
Nominating Committee
Our Nominating Committee was tasked with making nominations for eighteen positions; a big job. Good thing we serve a bigger God!
At this moment, we have eight positions left. It is the committee’s job to nominate a slate of officers. Elections will be held at our December Quarterly Business Meeting. When the slate is complete, it will be posted.
The committee will nominate someone to serve as moderator for the remainder of Bob Harris’ unexpired term (the rest of 2018 and all of 2019). Vacancies have also occurred in Asst. Financial Secretary and Church Historian positions, but they don’t need to be filled this year.
“This summary is not to be understood as minutes or any other kind of official record. It is one perspective - mine - and is offered for informational purposes only.” - Pastor Brett